
Many people have provided me with historical information about old tracks and permitted me to use their photographs. I am extremely grateful for this and particularly for photographs of tracks, as these help to bring the tracks alive. I have listed some of the people who have given freely of their time to help me.

The Science Museum for permission to use photographs from the Science & Society Picture Library.
The Veteran Cycle Club Library for providing such a wealth of historical information online.
British Cycling for the use of photographs.
Brian Townsley for his comprehensive historical site about 6 day racing in the UK.
Bryan Dunleavy for help and information on the Wolverton track and his site Wolverton Past and for providing photos of the track.
William Wilson for information and photos on Poole Park and for writing his excellent book about Marguerite Wilson, the famous RRA record breaker.
Tim Grose for his help and advice, with his website
Dale Coan for supply lots of photographs, race programs and information about Leigh Harriers and their banked cinder track.
W. George Bolton for many interesting emails and lots of photos of Poole Park, Calshot, Southampton and Bournemouth.
North Lincolnshire Museum Service for their helpfulness and use of photographs.
Reading Museum Service for the use of photographs.
Graham Snowdon for providing information on South Yorkshire area tracks.
Anent Scottish Running for their amazing website on old athletics.
John Skinner for information on his old speedway tracks website.
Jim Hollands, of Rye Wheelers for information and photos of Rye cycle track.
Jerry Mortimore for information about Ariel cycles and JW Stocks.
East Ayrshire Council for the use of photographs.
Worcester St Johns CC and David Walker for WSJCC archive photos.
John Dewhirst, the author of The origins of cycling in Bradford. Bradford sport history, for information on cycling in Bradford and the Valley Parade track.
George Cogswell for information relating to Sale Botanical Gardens.
Don Shorland nephew of Frank Shorland for information about his uncle's track racing career.
Thanks to the following people who have tested out the website and provided useful feedback:
Drew & Roger Baxter, John, Christine and Tim Coles, Anna and Amy McKay and Dale Coan.
And finally, thanks to my wife Valerie for putting up with me being obsessive and preoccupied throughout this project. by Tony Baxter 2024