Map of UK old velodromes
Tracks are shown as coloured dots on the map. If you hover over a track, the name of the track will appear.
If you click on a track, brief details of the track will be displayed. If the selected track has it's own web page, a button will appear on these details and you can view the track's web page on it's own tab.
Tracks with their own web page are identified on the map with larger dots and you can display their web pages directly by double clicking on a large dot.
If you press one of the left hand group of buttons with dates on them, the number of tracks displayed on the map will change to show only the tracks that existed in your selected decade eg 1940's. To show all tracks that have ever existed, press the green All button.
You can select the surface type of tracks to display by clicking on the Grass, Cinder, Concrete, Asphalt and Wood check boxes. If a track has had more than one surface during its lifetime (eg Cinder and Concrete), then additional dots will be displayed on the map for each surface.
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